Welcome to SteveBottCreative.com
- A place to house my current works and projects.
Some information about me

This site is for updates on my professional Graphic Design work and include samples of my side projects at home and for others. To the right are my social network links, my current resume and portfolio. My contact details are listed in the contact section if you would like to discuss any potential projects.

So, a little bit about me. I was born in Sydney and grew up on the Northern Beaches. I've always had a passion for art and drawing which led me to the creative arts throughout my schooling years. For my major work in Visual Arts in year 12, I was one of the only entrants who submitted artwork made completely in photoshop. This was very well received. I then went on to college at Billy Blue where I met many great artists and learnt a lot from the teachers there. These teachers were current professionals in the industry who took time off to come to the college to teach.

My first professional job in the industry was for Printforce where I was working with a large format printing machine making signboards for Realtors. This gave me a great understanding on how these machines processed and ripped artwork, the inks and stock that was involved and the drying process to ensure a great final result.Later, when a position opened up for a Graphic Designer at Printforce I applied and was moved from Print to Design. My role as a client liaison was to work directly with the offices of the Realtors and produce their artwork.

From there I moved to News Limited and worked across some of their large titles predominately doing page layouts. This role was quite different as the business was incredibly large. However, it gave me some invaluable experience in how their business worked and operated.

After News Limited I went to EMG Australia where I worked as a lead designer on a handful of magazines. These magazines were typically 60 to 80 pages including advertising and were usually completed in 10 days where they were then proofed and sent to the printer. Working at EMG, I got to see and experience the performance car industry which was a great passion of mine at that time. Working with the studio photographers and editors directly on the magazines taught me some great lessons and with the input of these people produced a lot of work I am really proud of.

My old position at Paul Crooks Advertising has definitely shaped me into the designer I am today. Working and learning from Paul, who has been an Art Director in many large firms and now runs his own agency, I got to see the different aspects of each project. I have been involved in the direction, collaborative and creative brainstorming process and the marketing we do for our clients. I have also been encouraged to strive to refine my skills and have taken on further studies to bring more experience to the role. Each day brings new challenges and that has kept me intently focused on developing my skills as a Designer.

Currently I am working at Advanced Adsignz in Brendale. I am getting hands on experience with everything print and learning a lot. They are a great team of talented people and each day I am learning new and exciting ways to bring visions to reality in both print and web.

Thank you for taking the time to read my bio and I look forward to hearing from you if you require my services. Again, please take a look at my resume and portfolio for a more in-depth review of my work history and complete list of skills.

Thanks, Steve

technology blog xbmc raspberryPi
Raspberry Pi

This little credit card sized computer is an initiative from Cambridge in England. Basically packing the bare essentials on a single board to promote coding and creativity anywhere with its $35 price tag. By removing the hardware costs it allows schools and lower income countries to promote coding and software development. Of course when I learned about these little computers I instantly wanted to grab one and have a play with it.

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logo blog post corporate id
Logo Design

Logo Design.. What a polarising and subjective topic to try and tackle on a blog post. So to try and avoid any nerves or better judgement I will stick to talking about the journey I took on redesigning my own corporate branding.

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crowd sourcing newage social experiment
Crowd Sourced Funding

A new way to fund projects and innovations into production for the mass market, with different tiers and different incentives.. But what else can it be used for ?

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fun home project mounting art
Mounting artwork at home

For a cheap exercise and something different to do on the weekend I decided to try mounting a photograph from my wedding to bring some colour to our very bare house.

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Contact Me

If you would like to contact us please use the form below, and we will get back to you shortly!

My location is:

North Lakes, 4509

Brisbane Queensland

My contact info is:

E: me@stevebottcreative.com

M: 0402 339 665

this is the end of the site